Tuesday, October 22, 2024

About MAA

The Michigan Assessors Association is a non-profit, professional association of property tax and assessment administrators from the public and private sectors.  The Association is organized to improve the standards of assessment practice; provide a clearing house for the collection and distribution of useful information relative to assessment practice; and promote justice and equity in the distribution of the tax burden.

Key Contacts

Mailing Address

Michigan Assessors Association
P.O. Box 1126

Mt. Pleasant
, Michigan 48804
Join MAA

Membership Services Coordinator
Heather Bouck
Email the Membership Coordinator

"The Michigan Assessor" Magazine
Christopher Boggus, Editor
Email the Editor

Education Services Coordinator
Ashley Larrison
Email the Education Coordinator

Jim Bush
Email the Webmaster

District Map

Click to enlarge

Click on map to enlarge

Our Membership Base

100% Complete (success)1,123 Total Members
90% Complete (striped)1,023 Regular Members
40% Complete (warning)42 Subscribing Members
45% Complete (danger)33 Other Members
As of 12/31/2023
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Michigan Assessors Association

The Association furthers its goals through the following activities.


Education is a primary goal of the Michigan Assessors Association.   Through partnerships with the Michigan State Tax Commission, our Association provides educational opportunities at four locations throughout the year.  Course offering consist of Michigan Assessors Association and State Tax Commission developed courses for individuals pursuing their assessor certification as well as continuing education courses that fulfill re-certification and continuing education requirements.

The Association also works closely with the State Tax Commission, International Association of Assessing Officers and other professional organizations to secure educational content to fulfill State Appraiser licensing requirements.


The Michigan Assessors Association's Legislative Committee keeps members informed on pending and proposed legislation affecting property tax administration. The committee also recommends positions on pending legislation, meets with legislators and presents testimony to the House Tax Committee to offer insight and practical revisions and solutions regarding implementation of new laws.  The Association also employs a Legislative Agent who provides advice and guidance on the legislative process as well as facilitating meetings with Legislators and appropriate State Legislative Committees.


The Association publishes the award winning, bi-monthly professional trade magazine, "The Michigan Assessor" in an electronic format.  The publication provides members with current Association news, informative industry articles, State Tax Commission developments, Michigan Tax Tribunal, Court of Appeals and Supreme Court decisions and Affiliate organizations' news.

Recipient of the International Association of Assessing Officers John A. Zangerle Award

Members also receive the Association's electronic eAlert when critical events take place and member action is required or important developments are unfolding

Professional Designations

An MAA Designation provides an opportunity for property tax professionals to distinguish themselves among their peers in the assessment administration profession. The MAA professional designation also tells your employer and/or potential employers that you stand out in your profession and have achieved a level of expertise that is unique among other professionals.For Mor information on MAA Professional Designations, visit our Education page.


Michigan Assessors Association members whose employers do not prove funding for education and who are financially burdened to self-fund educational opportunities. The funding for these scholarships is made available by the Executive Board of the Michigan Assessors Association and private donations to provide greater opportunities for members to attend educational courses and seminars. The funding is awarded to any MAA member who demonstrates a financial need, and intends to use the funds to complete an educational activity.

Member Representation

The Association is governed by and Executive Board consisting of four Executive Officers, eight District Representative and three appointed Board Members representing Michigan Townships, Equalization Directors and Subscribing Members (see district map at left).  Individuals who desiring to serve on the Executive Board may submit their name to the Nominating Committee.  Nominations to serve in elected positions on the Executive Board may also be made by submitting a nomination petition to the Board of Directors, not less than thirty (30) days prior to the Annual Business Meeting.  Qualifications and requirements to serve on the Executive Board may be found in the Association's Constitution and Bylaws.


The Michigan Assessors Association is an Affiliate Association of the International Association of Assessing Officers.  We are also proud to have many regional and county assessor associations as affiliates of the Michigan Assessors Association.  Organizations seeking affiliate status with the Michigan Assessors Association may petition the Association's Executive Board.  Upon affirmative vote of the regular members present at the Association's Annual Business Meeting, the petitioning organization will be granted Affiliate status.

International Affiliates
International Association of Assessing Officers
314 West 10th Street
Kansas City, MO 64105
Tel. 816-701-8100 | Fax: 86-701-8149

Michigan Regional Affiliates
Michigan Townships Association
Michigan Association of Equalization Directors
Mid-Michigan Association of Assessing Officers
Northeast Michigan Assessors Association
Northwest Michigan Assessors Association
Southeastern Chapter Michigan Assessors Association
Upper Peninsula Assessors Association

Michigan County Affiliates
Macomb Assessors Organization
Oakland County Association of Assessing Officers
Wayne County Association of Assessing Officers
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