Saturday, July 27, 2024

Employment Opportunities

Advertising Information



For Magazine Advertising:
Christopher Boggus, Editor
Michigan Assessor Magazine
Email Editor


For Website Advertising:
Jim Bush, Webmaster
Michigan Assessor Website
Email Webmaster


Download Advertising Media Package


About Employment Listings

17 November 2020

About Employment Listings

Guidelines for Advertising Submissions

Sanilac County

Sanilac County 25 July 2024

Sanilac County

Equalization Director

WCA Assessing

11 July 2024

WCA Assessing

Various Opportunities

Peninsula Township

Peninsula Township 11 July 2024

Peninsula Township

Assistant to Assessor

Charter Township of Shelby

Charter Township of Shelby 11 July 2024

Charter Township of Shelby

Appraiser I

City of Livonia

City of Livonia 27 June 2024

City of Livonia

Property Appraiser II


Advertising Rates

Employment Opportunities:
Employment opportunities are posted on the MAA Website for 30 days.   The Michigan Assessor magazine is published bi-monthly. Publish dates are: February 1, April 1, June 1, August 1, October 1, December 1.

All advertisements  for publication in The Michigan Assessor should be sent to the Editor by the 5th of the month to be included in the following month’s issue (IE. January 5th for the January-February issue).

 Advertising Rates:
 Magazine Rates  
Full Page $300.00 $225.00
1/2 Page $225.00 $150.00
1/4 Page $150.00   $100.00
1/8 Page   $75.00   $50.00
 Website Rates  
 WebPlus *  $450.00 $300.00 
* (Employment Opportunities Only)
5% discount for 6 months advance payment.
10% discount for 12 months advance payment.
1.5% added per month after billing date
For full details, download the Advertising Media Package.
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17 November 2020

About Employment Listings

Guidelines for Advertising Submissions

The Michigan Assessors Association has the most economical advertising rates for a publication of its size and circulation than any comparable professional trade magazine or website.

MAA Website Advertising (WebPlus)

Employment/Request for Proposal advertisements are posted to the MAA Website for 30 days, (or less depending on the stated applications deadline).1 Advertisements are usually posted within one business day following the day of receipt.

All Website employment opportunity announcements are emailed to MAA members subscribed to our eAlerts on the Friday following the Website posting. Emailed announcements are not exclusive to the advertiser and may be sent with opportunities from other advertisers. For an exclusive email advertisement or targeted email date, a 50% service fee will be added. All fees are based on the number of positions and/or description in an advertisement.

Please be sure to include your billing information with your request.
MAA recomends that all employment ads include a salary range.

Rates are based on each position posted.  Multiple positions posted within the same advertisement will be billed as separate listings.

WebPlus Advertising Rates2 
  Government & Member Rate Non-Member Rate
500 Words or less3   $300.00      $450.00      
500+ Words4 Add 10% for each additional 500 words
 Multiple Ads or Descriptions5 $25 discount on each additional advertisement
Exclusive/Targeted Email Date Add 25% for targeted or exclusive email
1 Advertisements may be extended to a full 30 day posting if original post period was less than 30 days, at no additional cost.
2 All fees are based on the number of positions and/or descriptions advertised.
3 This is the maximum number of words allowed in an emailed advertisement.
4 MAA reserves the right to edit/abbreviate/summarize emailed advertisements exceeding the 500-word maximum email limit.
5 The $25.00 discount is applied to additional descriptions or advertisements appearing during the same schedule.


Magazine Advertising (The Michigan Assessor)

The Michigan Assessor magazine is a bi-monthly publication. Publish dates are: January1; March 1; May 1; July 1; September 1; November 1.  All ads should be sent to the Editor by the 5th of the month prior to the month of the issue to which it is to appear (i.e. December 5th for the January-February issue).

Advertising Campaigns are multi-month advertisement runs. Advertisers may submit multiple versions of advertisements to be rotated during the run of the campaign at no additional cost (see rate discounts for advertising campaigns below). Advertisements may be placed bi-monthly or on any monthly schedule requested.

Magazine Advertising Rates1  
   Gov.ernment & Member Rates Non-Member Rates 
 Full Page  $225.00 $300.00 
 1/2 Page  $150.00 $225.00 
 1/4 Page $100.00  $150.00 
 1/8 Page  $50.00 $75.00 
Advertising Campaign Discounts
5% discount for 6-month campaign (advance payment)


To place an employment advertisement on our Website or in our magazine, please send your advertisement copy in a Microsoft Word or PDF file to MAA Media Services.

MAA reserves the right to hold the advertiser and/or its agent jointly and severally liable for payment of invoices.

Do not send scanned documents.

For billing purposes, please include all contact information including, name, address, telephone and email address with your request.

Shortly after the placement of your request, your article will be scheduled for publication and/or displayed on our website and you will receive an invoice with payment instructions.  For additional information or questions, please email the MAA Webmaster or call at 616-594-0394.

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