Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question?
Below are some of the most frequently asked questions we get from our members. If you don't find the answer to your question here, please contact one of the individuals on the main Contact Us page.

Key Contacts

Mailing Address

Michigan Assessors Association
P.O. Box 1126

Mt. Pleasant
, Michigan 48804
Join MAA

Membership Services Coordinator
Heather Bouck
Email the Membership Coordinator

"The Michigan Assessor" Magazine
Christopher Boggus, Editor
Email the Editor

Education Services Coordinator
Ashley Larrison
Email the Education Coordinator

Jim Bush
Email the Webmaster

District Map

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Our Membership Base

100% Complete (success)1,123 Total Members
90% Complete (striped)1,023 Regular Members
40% Complete (warning)42 Subscribing Members
45% Complete (danger)33 Other Members
As of 12/31/2023
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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I'm subscribed to an MAA eSubscription(s) (eNotes or eAlert!) but when the email comes, it's blank. What gives?

A: The usual cause of this is that your email client is not set-up to render HTML content which is the format we use in our email. The solution is simple, set the preferences in your email client to render your email in HTML content. Changing this setting depends on your email client. If you need help, contact your IT department.

Q: I subscribed to an MAA eSubscription(s) (eNotes or eAlert!) a long time ago but have never received any alerts.

A: First, you should been directed to a confirmation screen indicating that you successfully subscribed. If you didn't, that would be the first indication that something was amiss. Otherwise, the cause is most likely that your spam filter is not allowing email from the MAA through to your mailbox. Check with you IT department and ask them to be sure that email from "" is allowed through your spam filter.

Another cause may be that you entered an invalid email address and your email has been returned as invalid. Email repeatedly returned to our post office is routinely deleted from the address book. Try re-subscribing and be careful when entering your email address.

Q: I'm subscribed to an MAA eSubscription(s) (eNotes or eAlert!) but when the email comes, it's blank. What gives?
A: The usual cause of this is that your email client is not set-up to render HTML content which is the format we use in our email. The solution is simple, set the preferences in your email client to render your email in HTML content. Changing this setting depends on your email client. If you need help, contact your IT department.
Q: I changed my email address. How do I get my MAA eSubscription(s) (eNotes or eAlert!) forwarded to my new address?
A: Unfortunately we can't forward email to another address. However, simply go to the eSubscriptions page on the MAA Website and unsubscribe using your old email address and then re-subscribe using your new email address.
Q: I have replied to MAA eNotes or eAlert! in the past with a comment or asking for additional information but I never receive an answer. Why doesn't MAA answer inquiries?
A: That would be because no one reads email sent to the newsletter mailbox. Comments or inquiries should be made to the MAA Webmaster. Many people make the mistake of hitting the reply button on their email client. By doing that, your email is sent back to the newsletter mailbox (which as we stated earlier, no one reads). All eSubscriptions have a link to the MAA Webmaster.
Q: Can I place a job posting on the MAA website?
A: YES! That is, if you place the ad in The Michigan Assessor Magazine first. Employment opportunities placed in the MAA magazine are now also posted on the home page of the website at no additional cost.
Q: How do I place an advertisement in The Michigan Assessor Magazine?
A: Send an email to our Magazine Editor with your advertisement. Some advertisements are free. To see the costs for advertising in The Michigan Assessor you can go to the Magazine Page where the advertising costs are listed or click on the "Advertising" menu item at the bottom of each page of the MAA website.. Remember that advertisements must be submitted to the Magazine Editor by the 10th of the month to appear in the following month's issue.
Q: How do I get an event such as a educational session, meeting date or golf outing posted on the MAA website.
A: There are two easy ways to do this. At the top of every page of the MAA website is a menu which contains a link to a event submission form. Alternately, at the top of the MAA eCalendar there is a button for submitting events to the association. Simply complete the questionnaire to submit your event. Give us a little time to post the event though. It's is not an immediate posting.
Q: Can I pay my membership dues online?
A: Absolutely! Simply go to the ePayments page on the website for complete instructions on how to pay your dues or join MAA using a credit card or eCheck.
Q: Can I get my copy of "The Michigan Assessor" electronically?
A: Why of course! And it makes sense too. Not only will you save the Association money, you are promoting a GREEN Michigan and you'll also get your magazine earlier than by getting it via the US post. It also makes it easier for you to find information in an issue since PDF document content is search able. Simply go to the eSubscriptions page on the MAA Website and sign up. Shortly after that you will then begin receiving you issue via email.
Q: If I am an eSubscriber, can I also still receive a hard copy of The Michigan Assessor?
A: Sorry, but no. It's one or the other.
Q: Can I stop receiving my eSubscription and return to receiving a hard copy via US post?
A: Sure, simply go to the eSubscriptions page on the MAA Website and un-subscribe. You will then begin receiving a hard copy of the magazine again.
Q: I recently changed jobs but the website still lists me under my old address. How do I change my membership information?
A: You can change your membership information yourself online. Simply select Edit Membership Profile from the menu that appears at the top of every page on the MAA website (you will have to log in with your membership user name and password if you haven't done so already). Once you are in your profile window, you can change any information in your profile. When you're through, click the submit button. Another way is to send an email to the Membership Services Coordinator requesting a change of your email address.
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